Sometimes I feel so stifled by his actions.
Monetary issues were never really issues for me and I'm really thankful for that.
It's always... I like, I purchase/obtain in one way or another.
I'm not embarrassed to say that I've always been indulged in that manner and I'm perfectly happy being in this situation.
And I've always had things done my way. My parents are happy to indulge me as and when they deem fit.
I'm finding it real tough to accommodate to different ideas, a different lifestyle altogether.
Simply put, I'm not accustomed to not having things the way I want them to be.
There are times where I've wondered if we made the right decisions.
Maybe we're too different.
For better or worse, we've yet to see.
But I do know that he spouts off words that he doesn't mean when he's angry.
Still, it stifles me so much at that moment of time.
The different attitude, the harsh words... they hurt.
He just doesn't understand that I cannot live like that.
And I feel that I've put his needs above mine when I feel I can.
It was pretty much settled yesterday but I don't know why I'm feeling the aftermath of it only now.
The rejection. The sadness.
I don't know how long more I can go on like this.
Maybe these are the challenges that everyone has been talking about.
Or are these signs that I have been blatantly ignoring?
Only God knows.
Please show me guidance.
Things were so much simpler then.
Why didn't we see this coming?
Maybe we're too blinded by this thing called love.