Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I've finished all marking since 11.
And I've got nothing else to do till 1.30 p.m.
I've been surfing and now, my hands are oh-so-super-itchy.
I feel like going shopping!
Bags... shoes... foodie...
Talking about food, I should really keep myself occupied to refrain from eating.
I've been eating non-stop today! Simply because I've nothing else to do!
Being bored equates to munching.

I can't wait for dismissal.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mum's back!
With tons of things and foodie... yum yum.
We cleared all 6 bags yesterday.
Yeah, 6.
When she left, it was only 2, and 2 pretty empty huge bags.
Now they're packed to the brim.
I love unpacking the bags though, wanting to see what Mum has brought back. =)

Anyway, smart me woke up this morning and decided to clear my boxes of notes and books.
So I'm really tired now after all that morning exercise and I can't go back to sleep cos I've got a facial session at 12.30.
And I need to buy new boxes to store my junk.
Threw away the IKEA boxes which I used before but I don't think I'll get anymore of those cardboard boxes. I should get the plastic ones cos they're more eco-friendly.
And come to think of it, I've thrown away so many boxes over the years, the costs probably adds up to quite a bit. I'd save with plastic boxes since they can be re-used. Should have thought of this earlier...
Oh well...

I planned to do my accounts after this but I'm yawning away as I'm typing this entry, so accounting will just have to wait.
But I'm still satisfied with the fact that my junk has been cleared although the room still looks like it needs tons of clearing to do.
But this will do for now.
I'm not a huge fan of spring cleaning. It depends on the mood.
When it strikes, I can clean from morning to night. Haha.

Can I fit in a 1.5 hour sleep?
Maybe I can.
I will.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

18th of this month marked our 9.5 years together.
And I feel that my feelings for him was strengthened by the engagement.
Initially, I wanted to do away with the engagement cos there was too much hassle involved but I'm glad we went through it.
It proved to further affirm our relationship and gave us a specific time frame to work with.
And yes, I have less than a year to carry out all preparations for THE BIG DAY.

Come June, it's time to look for furniture, revamp my room, choose the colour code, look for curtains, designs, colours (headache I tell you...).
And basically, it's time to do away with the trash.
This is one tough job, considering the fact that my job naturally requires me to be a karang guni.
I am so thankful and relieved that we decided not to hold the wedding this year.
I'm so unprepared for it!

Although the hassle is overbearing at times, the thought of spending our lives together, as cliche as it sounds, is so beautiful.
Sometimes, I can't believe I'm all grown up cos I'm such a Mummy's girl.
I wonder if Mum can sink the reality in too...
I guess it's a natural transition that everyone goes through after graduation cos that's what Mum did too.
She got married the year she turned 24 and gave birth to me the following year.
So I'm a little slow... cos I'm already 24!

I'm gonna push all wedding thoughts away for now cos there's something else that I'm really looking forward to.
The end of practicum is nearing! Real soon too...
2 more weeks and there's only Friday left for this week.
It seemed like forever but it's finally going to be over.
So there's people to meet and things to catch up with.
Really looking forward to this.

One person whom I'd really to rendezvous with right now is the fiance.
I need the love.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Have been craving for such sinful food lately. Okay, make it today.
I keep thinking about cheesecake! And sushi and ramen and... the list goes on.
Not chocolatey stuff though, which is kinda weird.
But cheesecake definitely tops the list.
Oooooh... this is killing me.

Anyway, I left school at 1.30 this afternoon and I've been having a great time since.
I slept, watched the telly and now, I'm blogging.
But tomorrow is gonna be one looong day.
Pay back time I guess.
Invigilating the oral examination... Sighz.
I'm glad I made the decision NOT to teach English cos marking compositions will drive one crazy and comprehensions are a disaster. It's a man-made catastrophe, I feel.
Love the language, HATE the workload that comes with it.
Why am I even talking about the English language? Oh yes, the oral examination.
Wish you kids good luck. Sure hope you can speak, if you can't write.

As much as I hate to sound like an old fart, I should be getting ready for bed to prepare myself for an arduous day tomorrow with 8 freaking periods of lessons, when there's a total of 10 periods tomorrow, and that invigilation after school.
Such is life.

You know what?
I can't get the image of cheesecake out of my system.
To top it off, I'm indecisive if I should trim my hair cos it's getting unmanageable.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


This surprised me on my birthday!
Thanks Haz, Janice, Grace & Siti! Even though the surprise didn't turn out as planned... Hehe
Well, it's the thought that counts babes =)

And Mum is away on holiday for 12 days.
Wish I could join...

On a happier note though, I've completed all teaching and observations!
Woo hoo!
For the first time in 8 weeks, I do not have to complete any lesson plan and worry about any observation.
And it feels DAMN good I tell you!
I had an even greater time over the weekends than I ever did for the past 8 weeks.
It simply feels sweet. =)

Anyway, would like to thank a few friends for making me feel so loved with their birthday wishes.
Thank you:
Sayang, for being the first person to call me at midnight;
Priya, who msged me that very night too. I miss you babe;
Fadellah, for the sweet thought;
Haslina, for that morning call =) although I sounded deathly that morning;
the family, for the constant birthday wishes throughout the day
and last but not least,
Frinn, for not forgetting my birthday even after so long.
And of course, the NIE friends for that wonderful surprise.
Thank you all.

Monday, April 14, 2008

The past week was a sickly week.
I was on MC for 2 days and my friends and I took turns being away from school.
It wasn't planned at all. That much I can tell you.
It's the bug, going round to infest everyone.
Today, I'm on MC again cos everything got worse... the cough, sorethroat and flu. Although the feverish feeling is no longer here, I'm still full of the sickly bug in me.

But at least my second observation by the supervisor has been carried out.
Went pretty well although I've not received the apt form yet.
3 more lesson observations to go for this week and I can finally take a breather.
Wanted to speed things up but the CTs are refusing to do so.
I know they have my best interests at heart but somehow, along the way, I just feel like getting them done and over with.
So be patient Jannah, 1 observation for each day this week starting from Wednesday.
I'm seriously looking forward to Friday.

Think my condition got worse due to the swim meet on Friday.
It was so fucking hot.
Doesn't help that I was not fully recovered so I was feeling heaty throughout the whole event, which I must say is a fucking waste of time.
So on Saturday, fever and migraine said hello to me. Felt like crap but I was determined to recover asap cos we were supposed to celebrate my birthday that night!
Felt better when the night came, thanks to Panadol and a great head massage by Nina.
Dinner plans went on as planned with the family and fiance.
Nina presented me with a cute birthday ice-cream cake. Thanks love!
And needless to say, I had a great pre-birthday celebration and a wonderful time spent with the fiance till 5 on Sunday morning.
Even though my birthday's tomorrow, thank you for such a warm celebration.


Sunday, April 06, 2008

Why is it that I'm feeling super lethargic?
Have been feeling this way throughout the week!
I thought that with the arrival of the menses on Friday, it would bring away the lethargy.
Well, apparently not.
My back is still aching and all I want to do is sleep.

I have to congratulate myself though for persevering from yesterday and this morning to complete the weekly lesson plan, the reflections for all the lessons so far (fucking tiring to do this... my head's still thumping) and the lesson plans for Monday's lesson, which is tomorrow. Shucks.
Sunday has greeted me once again.
Aaaargh... when will this end? I'm so fucking tired already.

On another note, "Definitely, Maybe" is one romantic flick. Real nice.
Go watch. Although I watched this last night with the family, it's still cool.
Can't wait to meet the fiance later.
Meeting him when I'm stressed up is the only thing that keeps me sane.
It's a break from reality.

Until then, I'm going to take a nap and not worry about the fact that I've not completed the lesson plans for Wednesday to Friday and that the supervisor will grace us with her presence some time this week or next. I'm just going to shut everything out and sleep cos I really need it.
I can't go on like a zombie anymore.