Saturday, September 06, 2008

Last I checked, the wedding is 8 months away.
Reality check: there's 6 months to go! like really 6 months since the nikah will be held on 6th March.
That's half a year! And there're so many things to do!
Oh no...
I'm making a list of all the things I have to do.
And everytime I make a list, I freak myself out even more, looking at all the to-do tasks.
But I get pure satisfaction by cancelling out the task when it's completed.
The curse of an organised freak.
I can't live without my organiser. I'll go stark raving mad if I were to lose it.
In fact, not carrying it around everywhere I go makes me feel naked. Lost.
Such dependency.
Tsk tsk.

I've been considering getting a new mobile number cos I've been getting so many unrecognised calls at all times of the day and it's pissing me off.
So I've been browsing around for a new phone too.
Pretty attracted to all the features in that phone cos it has everything I need.
But considering how near the wedding date is approaching, and how much I have to spend by year end, I'm wondering if I should get a new phone with a new line.
Such tough decisions to make.

I'll give myself a few days to think about it.
If I'm still lusting for it, then it's worth a buy.
Funny analogy, but it works to curb the spendthrift devil in me!
So far...


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