Monday, September 01, 2008

Being a workaholic is not good.
I'm not able to enjoy my holidays unlike my other friends.
I'm back in school today to do some work. I'm not done yet but I'm already drained.
I'm psychoing myself that marking 3 piles out of the 5 piles I have is a great achievement and enough work for the day.
Time sure passes fast when I have tons to do.
I'm coming back tomorrow to complete the other 2 piles, finish up my digirecord for the following week and hopefully clear my workspace a little.
Gosh, that's plenty to do! I gotta get my ass down here early.
Then there's remarks to complete, those worksheets to mark at home, seating plans to revise...
I don't plan to return for a third day that's for sure. So sacrifice one day tomorrow, one full day and get everything settled.
Oh the holidays are zooming by so fast! Monday is almost over!

I want a break.
I need a break.
Before the madness begins again in Term 4.
This time, it's gonna be one mad rush cos there's so little time left to complete everything!

Anyway, today's the start of Ramadhan. It's been great without screaming my head off.
But I'm not too sure of the following weeks to come.
Let's pray for a blessed Ramadhan.
And of course, I'm praying real hard that I won't go down with any illness.
I gotta learn to control my anger.
This is one damn tiring job.
Maybe, it's just the place I'm at...


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