Saturday, July 26, 2008

I was pleasantly surprised by the principal's welcome during contact time on Wednesday.
I thought all welcoming had been done during the induction.
A letter was given to us by the 'Big Boss' and hey ho, salary increment!
Woo hoo!
It was definitely the highlight of the week.
How shallow is that? But money sure does make everyone happy, especially when we live in an expensive country.
According to Mum, there should be backpay based on what's stated on the letter.
She knows best since she's in HR.
So I'm just praying for the best and let time relieve the suspense.

This week has been one crazy week.
I've been given 2 projects to complete and I've only been in this place for 5 weeks!
In a way, I'm happy to be given such responsibilities.
August will be one hectic month.

And yesterday, it was my longest stay in school ever.
There was a dialogue session and I was in school till 7.15 p.m.!
That's 12 hours of work!
Head was spinning during the drive home. I don't know why.
It got really bad.
By the time I reached home, I could do nothing else but have my dinner and lie on the bed.
Work was brought home but it could not be done.
Really hate that.
Somehow, I can't sleep past 6 this morning so I was up marking and replying e-mails and stuff.
Glad I've gotten that done.
I just need to work on that one major project now.

Anyway, tonight's the night I've been so excited about!
Meeting the gfs for dinner! Yayness!
We can finally meet!

Okay, time to get back to work so I can have a jolly good time tonight. =)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mum's back today from her shopping trip to Hong Kong.
She went for 5 glorious days of pure shopping! How envious is that when I have to slog away at school?!
HK is one pure shopping haven, according to Mum.
And I can tell from the tons of shopping bags she's brought back
We had a fun time unpacking everything this afternoon! =)
Mum got me my birthday present albeit belated, I'm very happy with it! *beamz*
Thanks Mum!

Anyway, I'm coping a lot better with the stress these days.
I don't feel so depressed anymore.
Tired, of course, but no longer that depression.
I'm thankful to Allah for listening to my prayers.
Being in this place brings me closer to God, in a way.
I'm engaged in my own prayers when they're praying, reciting my own zikir, learning more zikir to keep myself occupied and to block out what I don't want to hear...
But I still wish time would tick faster.

I'm looking forward to meet the fiance and the girls this Saturday.
Doesn't sushi for dinner sounds absolutely mouth watering?

Friday, July 11, 2008

We went through the investiture ceremony a few days ago.
Photos are still in my camera though.
No time, no time...

It's finally Friday. Such a long wait.
Okay, not quite.
But next week should be a short week with 2 days of e-learning.
I'm already thinking of next week when it's just the start of the weekends.
I should stop thinking of work and just enjoy the weekends.
I'm done with the damn weekly stuff anyway so I can thoroughly enjoy this weekend.

Okay, breathe Jannah.
And smile.. the weekends are here =)

Oh by the way, I'm famous today.
My short interview is featured on page 8 of Berita Harian.
But my name was spelt wrongly.