Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Have been craving for such sinful food lately. Okay, make it today.
I keep thinking about cheesecake! And sushi and ramen and... the list goes on.
Not chocolatey stuff though, which is kinda weird.
But cheesecake definitely tops the list.
Oooooh... this is killing me.

Anyway, I left school at 1.30 this afternoon and I've been having a great time since.
I slept, watched the telly and now, I'm blogging.
But tomorrow is gonna be one looong day.
Pay back time I guess.
Invigilating the oral examination... Sighz.
I'm glad I made the decision NOT to teach English cos marking compositions will drive one crazy and comprehensions are a disaster. It's a man-made catastrophe, I feel.
Love the language, HATE the workload that comes with it.
Why am I even talking about the English language? Oh yes, the oral examination.
Wish you kids good luck. Sure hope you can speak, if you can't write.

As much as I hate to sound like an old fart, I should be getting ready for bed to prepare myself for an arduous day tomorrow with 8 freaking periods of lessons, when there's a total of 10 periods tomorrow, and that invigilation after school.
Such is life.

You know what?
I can't get the image of cheesecake out of my system.
To top it off, I'm indecisive if I should trim my hair cos it's getting unmanageable.


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