This surprised me on my birthday!
Thanks Haz, Janice, Grace & Siti! Even though the surprise didn't turn out as planned... Hehe
Well, it's the thought that counts babes =)
And Mum is away on holiday for 12 days.
Wish I could join...
On a happier note though, I've completed all teaching and observations!
Woo hoo!
For the first time in 8 weeks, I do not have to complete any lesson plan and worry about any observation.
And it feels DAMN good I tell you!
I had an even greater time over the weekends than I ever did for the past 8 weeks.
It simply feels sweet. =)
Anyway, would like to thank a few friends for making me feel so loved with their birthday wishes.
Thank you:
Sayang, for being the first person to call me at midnight;
Priya, who msged me that very night too. I miss you babe;
Fadellah, for the sweet thought;
Haslina, for that morning call =) although I sounded deathly that morning;
the family, for the constant birthday wishes throughout the day
and last but not least,
Frinn, for not forgetting my birthday even after so long.
And of course, the NIE friends for that wonderful surprise.
Thank you all.
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