Monday, March 26, 2007

My weekends were jam packed! How was yours? Never had so much work to be done before... Gawd, my mind was whirling all the time! Even when I'm about to sleep which explains why I've been so tired. My mind just can't stop thinking! Couldn't attend Frinn's party on Saturday night cos I simply couldn't squeeze in the time. Sorry babe! I hope you had tons of fun!

It was shopping for baju materials, markings (tons of them!) and class projects on Saturday. Got beautiful materials though =) Love them! And grocery shopping with Mum in the evening. And THAT, was only on Saturday. Sunday came too soon... I had to do up my lesson plans, continue on my class projects & met up with him. It's amazing at what I could accomplish within 24 hours! & that included sleep too!

It was another tiring day today since we had to go to the pool for P.E. Oh gawd, I'm totally drained. Plus vetting after school. Again. I'm definitely hitting the bed soon...

Anyway, Mum & I have made a date on the 14th (1 day before my birthday... yayness!) to hit the spa. Aaaaah... looking forward to it! What an exhilarating thought to start off the week and to keep me thrilled for a few more weeks! Heh. Have a good week people!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

And so here we are, on a Sunday night with me feeling like crap which by the way, is nothing unusual. With the frequent lament about having to go to school the next day, you'd think I'd be immune to it. Well, I'm not. And I'm getting so sick of feeling this way. I keep finding ways and reasons to look forward to the next day but I'm having a hard time convincing myself.

I walked into Coach with Mum last Friday. I still like that Gucci bag I laid eyes upon. Although I have to admit, Coach is a lot cheaper. Think I've pretty much decided. Whether I get it or not depends on Mum's generosity. Haha.

Anyway, don't you think it's frustrating when you're all set to get yourself something but can't seem to find that 'perfect' design? Well, in my case, it's a pair of pumps/shoes. I may get myself a pair of Crocs cos I really need a flat pair. I'm too tired of tottering in heels day in, day out. I tried on a pair of Melissa's at NUM, those havaianas-like slippers with tiny heels, but 60 buckeroos for a pair? It's definitely something worth thinking about. For a pair of plastic & rubber slip-ons, the price is definitely over-priced in my opinion. I'd rather get that pony-hair pair of shoes from Itti & Otto for 99 bucks.

We were over at Changi Women's Prison earlier today for their openhouse. For the first time ever, they're inviting family members of staff to pay a visit, hoping to put across the challenges they face at work. In turn, they hope to win the support of the family in the work they do as well as their understanding. It was alright. Kak Ina was on duty so she couldn't join us on the tour. Many of the inmates don't look like crooks if you're wondering. You know, the typical look that's been stereotyped. I can't really explain the look but you get what I mean, don't you? Some of them were pretty old. But they're a pretty talented bunch. Beautiful handicraft, delicious food, hairdressing skills... List goes on. Acap was quite emotional about it. Said he felt sorry for them. I was pretty much neutral. Oh! & the cells. Gawd, the Americans sure lead good lives in their prisons. No beds, hardly any fans, cramped living spaces (if you can call that living). It was terrible. And the ventilation wasn't good. It was the floor, a mat & a blanket for you. An institutionalized place where you're stripped off every privilege & rights that you have. I can write a paper on it. I miss writing my essays. & I simply love the topic on institutions. What a fantastic experience for a Sociology paper!

Ooooh... look at the time. It's back to waking up early in the freaking morning tomorrow. I hate it. It's time to bid adieu & good night.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Priya got me this lovely bag with bottles of scents from Victoria's Secrets. Thanks babe! It's so hard to get hold of her since she's hardly around! I was really glad to have met her on Monday night. After every catch up session with her, my heart never fails to ask, "Why am I not flying?" Haha. The urge is damn huge, that much I can tell you. I've always wanted to when I was in school. Okay, on top of teaching. I really wanted to give flying a try but I never got the green light. Even my RO tells me to give it a try before I settle down. You see? Everyone tells me to go for it. Everyone except my mum & fiance. The idea of just packing my bags and go for it sometimes makes me so fucking depressed to be where I am now.

Anyway, today was the last day of my 2-day workshop. It proved to be a very comprehensive & extremely beneficial, not only for teachers, but for parents & as social animals. Although the approach has gotta be varied to meet the objectives of different groups of people. It was an enriching workshop indeed. Not a waste of anyone's time for sure. Haha. I got so vamped up yesterday, I started on forming teams for my class. I'm really excited with the arrangement I came up with. Woohoo!

I have mixed feelings regarding this 1 week break. It's too short & I wish it was longer but at the same time, I can't help but feel excited at what new things I can implement in my classes in the new term after this workshop I attended.

But with all this excitement just firing up in me, I'm not done with marking my composition pieces so I really need more time! I've not started on them! I need a job where I don't have homework. Wouldn't that be heavenly? One that pays you to look pretty & well-groomed. Oh, add a no-brainer job to that list too...

Monday, March 12, 2007

It was Hazry's engagement yesterday. Super hot day. When I got engaged, it was raining super heavily. But I think I prefer rain than shine. Haha. My threshold for heat is too damn low. Fucking ironic when I'm born and bred here. Blasted the air-con in the car. Blasted the air-con & fan when I reached home. Sometimes I find myself less sympathetic of situations/conditions due to the luxuries provided by my parents since baby-hood. As my principal is fond of saying, it's not gracious of me. But I can't help it! A spoiltbrat some may view of me but I beg to differ. It's just my comfort zone. I just spout out without realising at times. Like how much I was complaining yesterday cos it was so hot. The fact that I came home at 5 in the morning on Sunday made me lethargic too but the heat made it worse.

It's the term break for kiddos this week. But I can tell you it's not fucking enough. At least for me. Cos I didn't do anything during the weekends. & I don't feel like doing anything today cos it's a MONDAY... & because I'm meeting Priya later. I hate to do things midway. Tomorrow would be a better day to get my things done I guess. Then I have a workshop to attend on both Wednesday & Thursday. Full day workshop. So fucked up right? It's the fucking holidays for gawd's sakes! Then it's down to NUS on Friday. Well, that pretty much sums up my week, doesn't it?

By the way, I've got babydoll lashes now cos I got them permed on Friday. Hehe. But I think I prefer my natural lashes even though they don't curl up as much. It looks like baby Sarah's lashes, all curled up like a doll's. It was the first time I did it but I doubt I'll get them permed again. It was just for the experience.

I gotta get my afternoon nap before I head out. As much as this week seems to suck for me, I'm sure others may find theirs suck even more. Oh well, let's try to enjoy what has been granted to us!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I couldn't wake up this morning to go to school since my head was still throbbing so it's MC for me today. I'm up now, feeling like brand new. Partly due to the medicine given by the doc as well lar. Hehe.

Mum e-mailed me this morning regarding some DIY home spa. Sounds fun! She's keen to sign up & she's asking me to sign up for it as well. Some home made mask, scrubs & massage techniques. Next weekend. Pretty exciting. We're such suckers for these girly affairs!

We window-shopped last Saturday, venturing into Gucci. Kinda liked this bag which wasn't too ex. Well, at least it's cheaper than Mum's bags! Hehe. Dropped hints since my birthday's coming in a month's time or so. Sungguh tak tau malu! But the problem with Gucci is that there's so many imitation bags in the market which explains why Mum never buys Gucci. She kinda pointed that out to me. Does this mean I'm supposed to choose another bag? Hmmm... Kinda thought stimulating. Oh I dunno. Then again, I can't expect too much. Anyway, there's always iSqueeze for my aching legs or uPapa for my aching back...! But Haris goes like, "What kind of a birthday present is that?" Haha. Well, honey, it can be anything under the sun as long as I want it! Right?
Every year, it's the same question. So I thought I'd make it easy this time round.I can always use a bag & some help for my legs or back. Heh.
But nothing beats spending time with my family & fiance. Looking forward to it. Thinking of where to eat already! Oh well, we still have time for that.

It's back to school tomorrow. Then, it's a hot affair (hope the weather's good though) on Thursday for our Heritage Tour. No work to mark. Yayness! & a short day on Friday due to my medical appointment (again!).

I like my schedule this week. Heh.
1 cycle is almost down! Teachers rejoice!

Monday, March 05, 2007

The weekends just whizzed by without me enjoying the true essence of the term 'weekend'. Saturday was Sports Day so half of the day was gone. Shopping with mum later in the afternoon but I was pretty tired. Didn't get myself a pair of shoes as planned cos I simply couldn't go on which was quite surprising. Then again, I'm quite a changed person these days. These changes in my personality don't quite surprise me anymore lately. I had to attend a wedding function with him on Sunday after which, we had a great time but it was short lived for I have to be back early on Sunday night. And here I am, on a Monday night. Wow, this was the fastest weekend I've ever gone through! I didn't get any work done!

Not to mention the fact that I'm literally experiencing a backache, headache & a throat which is about to turn all rough & textured. Basically, I'm feeling like crap. Even after the nap I had this afternoon, it didn't subside my headache. Sighz. Guess it's time for me to visit dreamland. My head feels a ton.