Today marks our 111th month. Cool no. huh?
Kinda like the triple 1 thingee.
I'm a sucker for numbers.
Which reminds me... this is the year of the Rat!
It's my year! Okay, not my year, MY year but OUR year.
For those of us whose ages are multiples of 12.
Anyway, as much as I'd like to complete the 2nd essay tonight, I simply couldn't.
I don't know why. Probably don't have the drive cos the topic this time round is sooo dry.
I'm halfway through it though. I just can't think enough so I couldn't write on the perspectives part.
And it doesn't help that I'm hungry so I've been munching on baby carrots and cherry tomatoes the whole day but still not satisfied. Know that feeling?
It doesn't feel sinful enough.
I have a theory (although it's not been widely tested except for myself... haha).
When the stomach growls, the brain doesn't think efficiently enough as it keeps thinking of how hungry you are & all the food that you want to get your hands on.
Oh & there's a new yoghurt shop down at Taka basement. Seems new to me cos I've not seen it before.
Super yummy! Go try if you happen to be there.
This weekend, I'm not gonna do any work.
Okay, I've not been doing any work for the past weekends cos I think I need that break.
Been slaving during the weekdays, gotta have the weekends to myself =)
And since I'm done with the obligated tasks, all the better!
Looking forward to catching American Gangster on Sunday after so much talk about it by everyone! The media... friends...
There's effectively 2 more days of weekends cos Friday evenings seem to pass by so quickly!
Had my nap in the afternoon but I'm still quite sleepy.
Figured I better sleep than eat. I'm so tempted to dump a bowl of instant noodles into the microwave.
Okay, gotta get myself well-rested for an early start tomorrow.
It always is for my Saturday mornings...
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