Monday, February 02, 2009

I feel quite frustrated with myself.
I left the office ard 3+, after saving all the work that I need to complete at home in my thumbdrive and, guess what? It's not with me now!
I must have left it on the table cos that was the last thing I did before I left the office.
This is so frustrating!
The reason why I'm saving it all in my thumbdrive is because the printer in the office has somehow gone haywire and we can't print anything.
Photocopy, yes, but not print. Isn't that just so frustrating?
I've a good mind to lug my printer to the office tomorrow so that I can print my stuff.
But how I'm going to lug it all the way from the carpark to the office, I've no idea.
From tomorrow onwards, I'll be bringing my external hard disk.
It's size will remind me to constantly check that it's in my bag and not lying around on my desk!


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