I realise that I'm not cut out to embrace this whole issue of culture.
Partly because I was not brought up as a Malay individual but as a Muslim person.
My mum has different ideas altogether which makes it difficult for me to accept too much culture at one time. Culture shock I would say. Literally.
And I have to say this will be a cycle cos I'll bring up my children according to how I've been brought up.
In fact, I think I'll be more radical than my parents have been.
By the way, I got the guy's name wrong. It's Terence, not Aaron as posted in my previous post.
Meeting the guy again later to confirm the booking.
Upfront payment of 50%.
It's a terrible ouch on my pockets but at least I know I've paid my portion of it and I can concentrate on payment for the other stuff. =)
It's a drastic reduction on the numbers though... and I can't help but feel sad that there's no longer that 5-figure number after today. Sighz...
The fiance's been telling me to get some scar removal cream for my leg.
I will.. I just don't know when. And I don't know which brand is effective enough.
Those on the shelves may not be able to do the trick.
I may have to see a specialist for it. More moolah... Ooorrrrggghhh...
Then there's this whole housing issue when I think about money.
I'm not comfortable staying in a 4-rm apartment because I'm used to having space, and most importantly, my own space.
But the prices are ridiculously expensive now so much so that a 5-rm apartment costs almost half a million!
And it's not a huge space of living...
People think I'm being high & mighty about it but no one will understand except for my siblings.
My parents' first place was a 5-rm apartment with an area of 120+ squared metres.
That is the space that new executive apartments are offering.
Our current executive apartment was the first project hence we have 148 squared metres of space.
Compare that to the pathetic 90 (plus minus) squared metres of the new 4-rm apartments.
How much space has been shaven off?!
My bro totally supports my views. He feels the same way too.
This issue suddenly emerged cos we've been having the 'housing talk'.
I've been battling with myself, telling myself that I can make do with the space but it's not been working very well especially when I'm reminded of the house visit we made the other day.
Somehow, it's not convincing.
I'm experiencing so much contempt towards so many issues that I'm so tired.
I think I'll go back to sleep before I meet my mum for that mini-shopping trip that we try to squeeze in just before meeting Terence... hehe.
Shopping with Mum always makes me happy *beamz*
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