Friday, July 17, 2009

I feel that it's atrocious. How can you openly sell replica bags out in the open? Via multiply. Don't you think that it breaches the copyright policy? I was surfing through a friend's site and I clicked on one of the links posted on the shoutout. The audacity of some people.

And it just dawned on me that this is the year of having babies. At least for my friends who are expecting to deliver soon. One of them is actually due today! Wow... I can only imagine that it'd be a huge change in one's life. Right from your sleeping habits to your emotional needs. When I do have a baby, I doubt I can do without a domestic helper. It's what I'm used to. Mum had her mummy and the maid around. Wait... who am I kidding? I can't do without a domestic helper even for now. Heh. Well, I'm learning. I've never done so much housework in my entire life before till I got married. I've learnt to make the bed, keep my clothes (and hubby's) in the wardrobe and put my plates in the kitchen sink. That's about all that I can do. Haha. Not much I know but it's a progression. But I only make the bed when hubby's home. Other times, it's back to bibik cleaning up the room. I've never liked the idea of making beds. It's too tiring. There's the smoothing of the fitted sheet, the fluffing of the comforter which is super heavy by the way and the fluffing of the pillows.
After that, I'm beat.

There was once I mentioned that good news have yet to be confirmed right? Well, they're all confirmed now. One of them is the latest bag I bought. I showed it to hubby and he was shocked that I would spend so much on a bag! He thinks that I should be saving that money instead of splurging. I showed to Mum when she returned from Melbourne and she says it's gorgeous. But I promised hubby that I won't be buying any more bags this year. Next year, it's a different story. Hehe. But conscience did prick my mind when the hubby commented. I just never looked at it that way. What he said makes sense which is why what he said makes me feel guilty for spending so much money. I have to admit though that keeping that promise will prove to be quite tough for me. That implies that I can't go window-shopping anymore and I have to restrain myself from looking everytime Mum buys a bag.
I need to save more.

It's a mid-year's resolution.


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