Friday, August 08, 2008

Celine Dion never fails to make my heart soar when I listen to her songs.
Currently "Have You Ever Been in Love?" is playing on this lappie. Her voice makes me feel better than what I'm feeling.
Cos I have a sorethroat and have been feeling feverish since morning. And now, I'm plagued with a headache.

I've been craving for muffins ever since Mrs Wong handed me one of those muffins from Tanjong Pagar two days ago. I know they're from the same shop cos no other muffin can contest their muffins. I'm definitely getting some tomorrow before tuition.

And I'm thankful it's gonna be a short week next week. With Monday being a school holiday, and Thursday and Friday have been set aside for the all-important exam days for the Primary Sixes, it's definitely a week worth looking forward to.

The marriage course will commence this Sunday. I'm not sure of what to expect or more importantly, what is expected of me.
People have told me it's just a waste of time.
I'm going to go with an open mind and heart but deep within me, I have my doubts especially when things are run by the religious body/racial organisation.
I just don't have faith in their programmes due to experience.

My mind is in shambles right now. I'm just ranting out whatever comes to my mind.
I'm feeling jaded already.
And it's not even been half a year.
I try to look at the greener side of things but sometimes, there just isn't any except for that one choice which can be made only after 2 years of service.
Right now, I'm only looking forward to the wedding.
I will try to enjoy everything about it, even when it comes down to the nitty gritty details.

Okay, there's tons to do tomorrow.
And this headache is getting worse.
It's time to hit the Zees...

Have a great weekend!


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