Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My supervisor seems nice.
Down-to-earth, practical and most importantly, approachable.
There's plenty of deadlines to adhere to, expectations... the works.
Oh and of course, the thing that stresses me a little... dresscode.
I need to buy clothes. I don't have appropriate clothes to wear for that school.
Particularly that school.
I gotta dress conservatively. It's stressful to even think of the term 'conservative'.
Cos that means, I don't have the clothes for it.
No T-shirts too.
But I live in tees!
Sighz... gotta hit the shops soon.

I'm thinking of going for a hair trim.
Or should I get a haircut instead?
Try something new...
Hair's getting too long and too thick and super out of shape.
Gotta get that done too before practicum starts.

Walked past OSIM yesterday and I was so tempted to get that uZap thingee.
And that iRelaxer or sth like that.
The mum and fiance will tell me, it's a waste of money. Just go run.
But the iRelaxer is supposed to destress my aching back... so maybe that's a more useful item to get.
We'll see...

Alrightey, gotta get ready for our date later.


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