I surfed thru frenster...viewin friends' friends & many more friends...& i got damn pissed.Maybe attributed to the fact that I'm givin English tuition.I don't really mind the slang like lar or seh or others cos it's normal to Singaporeans but I'm pissed with the improper use of tenses & grammar.Like when i read "to liked", "i do cherished", "would liked", "people views & opinions" & countless more...It gets me so gawd damn pissed.We have pri skuls & sec skuls for a reason rite?That's to educate us & education has been primarily carried out in the English medium.That's a minimum of 10+3 (nursery & kindergarten education) years of compulsory education,carried out mainly in English.so wat the fark ppl!!?aaargh...it sounds bad,embarrassin even.
I noe I may sound like a bitch but aargh..juz gotta let off some steam.& that's the purpose of havin a blog rite?To me,you don't need to be superb in vocab to be good in English.Just masterin the basic rules & understandin of the English language is good enuf.So if ppl out there can't even do that,where does that lead them to?& the fact that they're Singaporeans,it tends to be embarrassin especially in situations where foreigners or tourists ask for assistance & one answers in such horrendous manner.One doesn't need to adopt an affected accent to impress others cos I think that's even more superficial & embarrassin.Sigh.Guess I'm juz rantin & ravin to myself cos there's nothin I can do bout it...
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