Saturday, April 07, 2007

I wonder... Should I be asking Mum to get it for me? Sometimes I feel that I shouldn't be bothering about these things. It's making me so materialistic. Is satisfaction based on the ownership of an expensive item? Well, of course for Mum it's different. It's her money, her own hard work so it's only fair. At first I thought it's what I wanted but after pondering, I'm not sure if a 1.2K bag is what I'm lusting for. It's reasonably priced I know but there's just something in me which I can't explain in words to express my flakiness. I should be using my own money to buy it, shouldn't I? Even though Mum can afford it, somehow I don't feel at ease. I have a week to think about it. I've not told Mum yet.. since I can't make up my mind. I was pretty excited when Mum said okay but now, I'm not too excited about it. It's making me feel... I dunno... uneasy, to put it simply. Maybe I shouldn't get it after all since it's making me feel terrible inside. I'm growing up I guess. Learning the value of money... Sighz. It doesn't feel good at all. Should I? Should I not? On the one hand, I wanna get it cos it's so pretty. But this edginess I feel doesn't quite justify the lust enough. Maybe this year I should just settle for a birthday dining celebration and screw the gift. At least, that's money spent on time with family. Ooooh... What should I do?

As you can see, I'm torn between the two options. I can't quite completely give up the whole idea. Such a dilemma, although not something that would quite shatter your world, it's still a huge dilemma to me.

Time passes by too soon.


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