Wednesday, November 26, 2008

This whole mini-reno thingee to my room is driving me nuts.
I'm stressed up cos there're so many things to do (and pay!), too many things to organise and too many things to worry about!
The wardrobe's gone. So now the home clothes and outing clothes are on the floor. All the bajus are stashed in the maid's room. I seriously worry about how I'm going to fit all my clothes into the new wardrobe when I've had the luxury of having 2 metres of space for myself, but now, having to share that space with someone else.
How? How?

The cable guy is coming this Friday, and so are the curtain people.
I still have to look for lamps, painting service...
Getting married sure is tons of a hassle.

I've been getting up early the past week since the last weekend.
Been looking around and running errands.
We were this close to buying a Civic when Mum remembered that the kiddo will be taking her license next year. 18 in Jan. How lucky.
So it's best to continue driving the current car.
We'll review the idea again next year I guess.
I was quite disappointed but I got over it pretty quickly.
Think the bro's pretty disappointed with the decision. Maybe next year...
But he won't be around to drive it since he'll be away for studies.
Maybe that's the reason for his disappointment?

I'm sitting here, waiting and getting a lil sleepy...
When's he coming?


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