the more i think bout it, the more jittery i get.
apparently im not the only one. but i think im feelin it more.
is this normal?
met bf for an xtremely late dinner last nyte.
who has dinner at 11p.m? haha...
it was dinner cos i didn't hav my dinner at 7 so i was super hungry & i cannot take another meal of nasi briyani/minyak. dunno wat's the difference & i can't tell the diff either.
i really needed sth soupy & noodle-y!
remembered abang dan told me there's a hong kong eatin plc near simpang so dragged bf down to give it a shot, hopin it'd be open.
& so it was... we had a sumptuous meal which came in a ginormous serving & an even bigger bowl!
such satisfaction...
albeit comin home at almost 4 this mornin after 2 long tiring days over the weekends, i always feel a sense of serenity after meetin him.
thank you baby...
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