had a lovely surprise by bf on monday. but he was sooo mean to me! especially wen i was stil in bed and stil in my groggy state of mind. he was supposed to be workin that day but somehow he applied for leave only to be granted later that mornin. so he called me ard 11 and put up an act which i was pretty used to him doin it on his frenz but not me!! never before until that fated day. anyway, it turned out that we went for the gamelan performance thingee together and i enjoyed it even more compared to goin for it alone with frenz. that's wat his presence does to me. =) had dinner with the gang. crazy dinner with peals of laughter every now and then. haha... then we headed to kallang river to chill and njoy the wind and each other's company. i love it. he always puts a smile on my face.
then things changed on tuesday. he fetched me from skul and i was late & i juz didn't hav the chance to tell him that i'd be late since tut ended late like crazy that day. so he was pissed that i didnt' inform him. he didn't mind waitin juz that i should hav had the courtesy to inform him. that was my mistake. i admit. then i said sth which hurt him. but i swear i didn't mean it that way at all. maybe im juz not cultured enuf in my words. told him to leave and i sat and pondered. a part of me can't take any more of the emotional tiffs. i was pretty hurt by wat he said as well cos i never felt that way. i felt so distraught and it didn't help that the wind was howlin like crazy that evenin. it seemed to dampen my spirits even more. anyway, he called me soon after askin to go for dinner. i agreed even tho i was stil sore bout the whole thing and feelin pretty embarassed. but who was i to say anythin wen i had said such hurtful things?? i was pretty quiet the whole journey. he tried to lighten things up by always talkin to me. i noe that it was his move in makin things seem better. & i didn't wanna make things worse anyway. so we had a normal conversation. went for coffee at coffeabean after dinner & headed home after that. apologised again. he was juz so sweet & lovin. guess that's why im so in love with him.
anyway, im done with my truckload of assignments for this week. xcept to think about my ind pjct for understandin careers. juz haven't had the time but i gotta do it soon!! there's lesson tomoro & i haven't come up with anythin for the pjct. this is sooo frustratin. im juz dumped with assignment after assignment after assignment. okay, i really hav to think of sth by tomoro!! & visit the lib to loan the tons of books that i've requested. ooooh...im beginnin to hate tomoro & it hasn't even started. come to think of it, it doesn't seem like i should go to sleep tonyte. there's a million things to do!! speakin of which, guess this is where i'll end for now. ta!!
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