Monday, August 15, 2005

Mondays are good... cos I don't hav skul on Mondays!! yay!! Hope it stays this way when tutorials commence...long weekends...I wish Friday would be a free day too but fat chance cos I've got urban lecture & a planned Chinese tutorial. Spent the day readin...for skul. So far completed those which I've bought the coursepack for. Others were not on sale yet last week. Wil be in skul earlier tomoro to get the coursepacks for the other modules. May hav to get textbks for urban soci & new media. hmmm...

I've yet to view the webcast lecture for urban lecture for this week cos this friday's lecture's cancelled. Another free day this week!! yay!! The lecure's been uploaded but too lazy to view it now. Takder mood lar nak dngr lecture. Stil havin slight cramps. Bearable tho... Yeah, my cramps last me for 2 days but I try to get thru without medication unless really needed like I need to go out or sth. If there's skul, I juz skip it. haha... gotta get my priorities rite eh??

So much printin to do & I'm stil waitin for my order of toner. Don't wanna print too many readins now in case I need to print more impt stuff like assns. Hurry up & call me wil u??

I dunno why but I sooo feel like waffles...again!! Me & my endless cravins...I simply can't stop thinkin about food!! Always thinkin of my stomach when I've nothin else to do. Ooooh....& I lost weight!! Lost 3 kilos...pretty happy. The last time I weighed myself was like errr...2 wks ago?? haha...these 2 wks haven't been runnin much cos skul's started & always bz. Havin cramps today so I can't run. I wanna lose 2 more kilos...then I'll be perfectly happy. I always lose weight durin skul semesters so i think it should be quite possible to lose more weight. Must be all the flights of stairs & stress.

He was sooo sweet yesterday he made me cry. Literally...okay, maybe teary but it was really, really teary. So much so that my vision was damn blurred... haha... I'm pretty much a softie at heart. It was a really sweet gesture of u baby...thx. *mwackz* I'm cuddlin my bear-bear for companionship now while waitin for the real person to hold me. hehe..I've been cuddlin it at nyte & when I'm feelin lonely for about 2 yrs now cos it was my 5th anniversary gift from him. Lurve it!! Speakin of which, his birthday's in 2 months time. Gotta save up... His birthday & our anniversary are 3 days apart so it's kinda a major event. To me at least...hehe.

Skul ends at 6 tomoro. Not lookin forward to that definitely. Oh well, you win some, you lose some. At least skul starts at 2. I really can't take another mornin class. I was dead beat last week cos both thursday & friday classes start in the mornin. Thursday was at 8 & Friday was at 10. It was enuf to knock me out completely in the afnoon. Okiez...4 days til weekends! Til then, lessons, here I come...


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