Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Bumped into Joanne in skul co-op juz now. Was quite a surprise really...didn't expect to meet her in skul..of all places!! It's pretty far from her aunt's place too... Apparently, she's workin in NUS. She's leavin for home soon at the end of the mth tho... Shall we meet up again for old times' sakes??

Was stopped by Faisal along the passageway while gettin to lecture juz now. Wonderin if I should consider joinin PBM as a CCA. hmmm...
Maybe not. But it's gonna be super sucky if they hold their functions on sats. I can't make it anyway... have a tuition assignment on sats. Then again, I need a CCA...or do I??

I wan more money but Mie will literally kill me if I were to go out to work & skul at the same time. She was never for the idea. Key word: want, not need. So hence the reaction. It's not like I don't have enuf money, I juz want more so I can spend more without spendin my mum's money. Oh well, it's juz aimless rambling on my part. Anyway, I'm not really sure if I can actually ever sustain workin in a cafe or the likes. I'm not one who can endure much, knowin myself as well as I do. haha... & all that service crap. I prefer to be the one served than the one havin to serve I guess. Oh well...

Gonna bathe now I guess. Pretty sticky...eeew...


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