I'm in a mad frenzy of marking non-stop. I should probably install a battery into my arms so that they'll mark non-stop. Oh the agony!
So what have I been doing so far? Been too quiet for too long now...
I got the Sony Ericsson k550i courtesy of Kak Ina, a videocam courtesy of Mum and a pair of CK shades from the fiance. I absolutely adore my gifts! Thanks once again!
I've had so many things to blog about the past few weeks... like about the bitchy driver I had an encounter with. No prizes for guessing the gender of the driver. Fucked up driving equates to you-know-who. I'm not getting myself all riled up again by talking about it.
On to a much more cheery and exciting note, I think I may have just found THE ONE for my wedding photography! Haha... Still early I know but I simply love their work! Both of us in fact! I felt like signin up for it on that very same day... But of course I didn't although it was fucking tempting I tell you! But there's still more homework to be done for the bridal services like making appointments and viewing the outfits, check out other bridal boutiques cos so far I have only seen one that impressed me. And it came with a reasonable offer. We're gonna do that sometime soon I guess cos it's already May! He wants to take a look at the outfits too so that's great. I can't stand guys who just chuck everything to their partners. It's as if the only one tying the knot is the girl.
And the type of wedding favours that I want is pretty much settled I guess. I really like it... I just need to do the budgeting cos it's a lil pricey. Haha. I'm left with finding a suitable venue for the event cos we need to taste the food served. Mum said we'll do so soon. Cos there's a few places in mind and we need time to pick out the right place and food.
So things to do: check out the bajus and the venue (& food).
Now, I don't mean to be Bridezilla but anyone would get excited over preparations for a wedding, right?
I plan to carry out the mission of scouting for bajus in full force during the June hols cos God knows that's the only fucking free time that I'm granted with. Cos I really hope to settle the choices by latest early next year. And time is not something that I'm granted with when I'm in this field of work. So the earlier I start, the less headache I'll get. I am so fucking excited I wish the exams were over and done with by now so I can start scouting tomorrow! Hah!
Gonna write down the things I have in mind before I forget them.
And marking? Who has the mood to mark when I've got a wedding to plan!
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