u noe, i never thot things would be as complicated as they would turn out to be.
i thot.. that was it. all i had to think and worry about was that.
& then after gettin some insight & doin some calculations, boy, it's a huge headache.
maybe cos i've not shared it with the darlin bf.
oooh... but the closin date is soon & im not certain.
a decision needs to be made.. & fast!! i guess if i really, badly wan it...
dinner was with mum at secret recipe last nyte at PS since we were in town.
food wasn't great but we needed a place to eat.
so we ate & we talked & we talked somemore.
i love my mum. she's simply great. i can ask her bout anythin & share anythin with her.
thx mum for juz bein you.
i got lots of info from her.. i mean, i really hav no idea wat goes on...
she kinda enlightened me but there's stil lots of indulgence which can be satisfied via online which was done last nyte.
im havin my menses again. twice this month. but it's more than 15 days in between the 2 periods so it's alrite.
except mine has always been regular.
it's never been like this.
maybe that's why it's been affectin my mood lately. the past few days to be exact.
im easily depressed & i get so sad & teary over absolutely nothin.
wen im havin those depression spells, i keep thinkin that im not up for it.
then another part of me wil go like.. no, u can make it work.
i tell u, bein a girl is sometimes juz so farking complicated. even i can't explain myself sometimes.
with all the vocab in the world, sometimes, there's juz nothin that i can use to describe myself which is simply farkingly annoyin.
there's lots of issues to think about but im lookin forward to a short getaway soon...
i think i need it.. even if it's only for the weekend.
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