It's the best school value that I've learnt so far.
I'm persevering till this Friday.
2 more days to go!
Anyway, I received more gifts today.
The cards in the mailbox touched my heart.
I have one that goes... " Even though you're always angry with me for not doing my work, I know that you did that out of love."
So true.
Then I wonder, why is it that you do what you do?!
Then the gifts start getting "exotic".
I have an eyelash curler from a brand that I've used before so I know how much that costs.
I have other things which I won't reveal here.
And this is the 2nd time that they shock me with their culinary skills.
Man, they're good at baking.
Their cupcakes and cookies are good! I know it's them who baked those cookies and cakes cos of the way it looks. Haha.
It came from the heart. That's what melts me.
Thank you for enlightening me with your gifts from the heart.
For making me think twice about leaving.
For all the fun we had and still having.
For making me forget that I have a sucky boss. Momentarily.
Thank you.
Oh yah! Happy Teacher's Day!
Thanks dear!
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