Sunday, October 01, 2006

mummie & i made scones today. my all time fav spread with scones? butter.
but juz now, we tried with nutella and jam, apart from butter. my verdict? butter is the best!
that salty, soft, creamy taste with hot piping scones...mmm...
the best scones i've tried so far? apart from my mum's of coz... hehe...
in melbourne, at some farm. can't rem cos that was 2 years back.

so there was plenty of food for break-fast this evenin.
chicken rice, my fav vege-tau pok-fishball/fishcake soup, fried wantan, otah, murtabak, ayam percik, scones & choc cake.
those in italic were bought by maklung as she paid a visit to geylang bazaar in the afnoon. the rest were home-made/baked.
every evenin is a heavy-stomach affair. hehe.
& u noe wat? i was stil dreamin of soon kueh even with the spread of food on the table.
maybe i should ask mum to make for next week's buka...hmmm... or i should juz go buy it tomoro if i can't stop cravin for it!
such sinful foodie indulgence!
it's so wrong but i can't help cravin for food esp durin ramadhan! tsk tsk...

ever since i've started teachin, i dread sundays.
but today, im as happy as a lark. y? cos it's a holiday tomoro.. it's kiddies' day!
yay! i can't be happier! i think im happier than a kid!
no work... plannin to go for a massage & a scrub to destress... self-pamperin time.

hav been goin ard lookin for a bag to tote ard to skul. xcept for this bag from guess, the rest hav been disappointin.
mum & i went to the kipling boutique earlier today but that had been a disappointin trip too. mum suggested i get a kipling bag cos it's light. & it happens to be one of my mum's fav brands anyway. hehe.. i should juz use one of her bags if im gettin myself a kipling bag rite?
y waste money? but mum's payin for it so i should get one for myself. rite now, only that guess bag has caught my fancy... so how? buy, don't buy?

anyway, october has dawned upon us. how time flies.
bf's birthday's comin up which means, anniversary's comin up too.
im so xcited!! cos both days are extremely impt to me!
but october also means a hectic mth for me!
hell there's gonna be plenty of marking to do!! worksheets & more worksheets... exam papers...
but im gonna get thru this.
i noe i wil.


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