Thursday, February 17, 2005



Weeee!so happy!finally!corus hotel confirmed my reservation & mailed me the hotel voucher & payment receipt.called them up earlier in skul to complain dat i've not received any confirmation regardin my reservation.noe wat they said?they cldn't open their e-mail since there's sth wrong wif the system.well,hello...u guys are in the svc industry.ure supposed to ensure dat these IT stuff are in perfect condition.ppl make reservations round the clock globally seh.wat kinda crap iz dat?fought my way thru & enforced my opinions.said dat they'll leave my name at the counter & ensured dat i'll get my room.yar i noe..but i dun wanna pay xtra for it since its ure stupid reservation dept dat screwed up.told me to print my reservation slip to bring over.& well,well,well,to my surprise....received e-mails from regardin the confirmation of my relieved.i guess sometimes u hav to be bitchy & force ure way thru esp wen dealin wif this type of ppl.& the best part was,they said they were sorry for the trouble caused.sorry my ass.they din even bother to call me back after i've given them my no. to see wat cld be done wen i called them up.had to leave the conversation since i had to rush for class.malaysians...they really piss me off sometimes.sucky svc.never did really like them in the ferz place.haha!okay,im bein racist here but's the truth rite?after experiencin stuff lilke dis...merepek seh diorang.

okay enuf bitchin.some serious stuff for me to ponder upon & get started by the end of nxt wk.hav to read up for deviance & tourism assns.consider the diff aspects & views of the lit review & how to input all the shit into the essays.tink about wat to write on for race & ethnicity assn.worry abt mno assn & get started on 3101 2nd short assn.tink im goin many tings to do dis sem!guess i'll leave those borin stuff for now & enjoy my trip ferz eh?den get down to serious biz wen i,work,work jannah!

oh & i ended skul late juz now.ended my deviance gp meetin @ 6.too tired to go trim my hair.& tomoro i've like a million stuff to do.haha!not really lar....exageration.i've to view a film on brazil in the mornin at the lib theatrette.den hav to go change $.den hav to see wat other laz min stuff i need to bring & pack.hmm..not too many after all wen i've got it down on black & white.seems like a lot tho in my mind....haha!

oooh...& i figured out on my own how to upload the pix on my blog!ahahah!feel so proud of myself for gettin to noe my way ard all these techie stuff...hehe..may not be much but juz lemme feel gud bout myself okay?& im eyein the new lipgloss by estee's jelly-pop gloss or sth like dat.comes wif a lipbrush attached & ooh...i wan!prob wil...maybe nxt wk or sth.aaahh...fetish.wan the orange one.hehe...seems to like orange these days.maybe influenced by mummie ar.she bought an orange chanel lipstick the other nice....i like!

noe dis is like waaaay early but b4 i lose the opportunity,juz wanna wish my darlin fren Nashitah a very advanced happy birthdae!21st birthdae to be exact.can watch R21 shows oready ar?hehe...stay happy always dear & may u realise all ure dreams & aspirations. *hugz* love u dearie!& hope u hav lots & lots of fun on ure b-dae!

til nxt time....tata!


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